
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by Pastor David Osteen

Q&A #1 - Where will the Body of Christ be in Eternity? Heaven or Earth?

Q&A #2 - Who Inherits the New Jerusalem?

Q&A #3 - What is the Faith OF Christ?

Q&A #4 - What does “she shall be saved in childbearing” mean? (1 Tim. 2:15)

Q&A #5 - Why did people live to be over 900 years old before the flood?

Q&A #6 - Is the Body of Christ in the Book of Life?

Q&A #7 - Why did Paul say he was a minister of the New Testament? (2 Cor. 3:6)

Q&A #8 - What does “saved” mean in the Gospels? (dispensational salvation)

Q&A #9 - Was the mystery hid in the OT? (Rom. 1:2; 16:26)

Q&A #10 - Will those who reject Christ have an opportunity to be saved after the rapture?

Q&A #11 - Is God “sovereign” in the details of our lives?

Q&A #12 - Why did God allow the fall?

Q&A #13 - When was the fall of Lucifer? (gap theory?)

Q&A #15 - What does 1 John 3:9 mean? (“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin”)

Q&A #16 - Do people go to hell with their sins forgiven?

Q&A #17 - What does “baptized for the dead” mean? 1 Cor. 15:29

Q&A #18 - What is the Dispensational Context of the Gospel of John?

Q&A #19 - Is John 14:1-3 about the Rapture of the Body of Christ?

Q&A #20 - What about “Easter” in Acts 12:4?

Q&A #21 - Was Christ crucified on “Good Friday?” Part 1

Q&A #21 - Was Christ crucified on “Good Friday?” Part 2

Q&A #22 - What does “approved unto God” mean in 2 Tim. 2:15?

Q&A #23 - Is prophecy being fulfilled today?

Q&A #24 - Who are the 24 elders and why do they cast their crowns?

Q&A #25 - What are the crowns Paul mentioned?

Q&A #26 - Does God chasten us in this age of grace?

Q&A #27 - Does the Bible teach the earth is flat?

Q&A #28 - Does the Bible teach Geocentricity?

Q&A #29 - Who is the synagogue of Satan?

Q&A #30 - Who is the Israel of God?

Q&A #31 - Who is the Wild Olive Tree? Romans 11:16-24

Q&A #32 - How do you reconcile Acts 3:19 with 1 Jn. 2:12? (Israel’s forgiveness)

Q&A #33 - What about alcohol?

Q&A #34 - What is the everlasting gospel? Rev. 14:6-7

Q&A #35 - Will the lost be annihilated?

Q&A #36 - What about Acts 28 Dispensationalism?

Q&A #37 - How is Abraham our father? (Romans 4; Galatians 3)

Q&A #38 - What is the Day of Christ in 2 Thess. 2:2?

Q&A #39 - When did the Body of Christ begin?

Q&A #40 - Are there two different Gods in the Old and New Testaments?

Q&A #41 - Who are the sons of God in Gen. 6:1-4?

Q&A #42 - What does Paul mean by “accursed” in Gal. 1:8-9?

Q&A #43 - Why did Paul baptize?

Q&A #44 - Why was Paul baptized?

Q&A #45 - Can you explain Romans 2:16?

Q&A #46 - Is the Trinity a Bible Doctrine?

Q&A #47 - What about “secondary issues?”

Q&A #48 - What if Israel had repented?

Q&A #49 - Should we pray for healing?

Q&A #50 - Does God work in the circumstances of our life?

Q&A #51 - If God heals today, how?

Q&A #52 - Can you explain Jn. 20:22-23? (remit and retain sins)

Q&A #53 - Who is “Mystery, Babylon?”

Q&A #54 - What are the Mysteries in Revelation?

Q&A #55 - What is the Law of Liberty?

Q&A #56 - What is the Law of Christ?

Q&A #57 - What was the “unknown tongue?”

Q&A #58 - Have the signs ceased?

Q&A #59 - Is God doing anything supernatural today?

Q&A #60 - Can you explain spirit, soul, and body?

Q&A #61 - What about “soul sleep?”

Q&A #62 - Should Christians vote?

Q&A #63 - Did Paul say anything about hell?

Q&A #64 - is 1st John 1:9 written to the Body of Christ?

Q&A #65 - Rev. 2&3 (part.2)

Q&A #66 - Why do so few see right division?

Q&A #67 - Are women to be silent in church?

Q&A #68 - What about head coverings? 1 Cor. 11:3-16

Q&A #69 – Luke 17:21? (the Kingdom of God is within you)

Q&A #70 - What about Christmas?

Q&A #71 - Who Wrote Hebrews?

Q&A #72 - Did J.N. Darby invent Dispensationalism?

Q&A #73 - Was Scofield an evil man?

Q&A #74 - Is cremation wrong?

Q&A #75 - Can you explain Matt. 24:32-34?

Q&A #76 - Is Gen. 9:25-27 a racial prophecy?

Q&A #78 - What about chastening and the Lord's Supper?

Q&A #78 - What about chastening and the Lord's Supper?

Q&A #79 - Can you explain 2 Cor. 6:17-18?

Q&A #80 - How do we reconcile Matt. 23:9 with 1 Cor. 4:15

[Q&A #81] What is the Unpardonable Sin?

Q&A #82 - Eternal security in OT / Trib.?

Q&A #83 - Can you explain 1 Cor. 5:5?

Q&A #84 - Once Saved, Always Saved?

Q&A #85] Is Grace a License to Sin?

Q&A #86 - How can our resurrection occur before the "first resurrection?"

[Q&A #87] Will there be animal sacrifices in the Kingdom Age?

[Q&A #88] Did Paul preach the gospel of the kingdom?

[Q&A #89] Does God “call” Preachers Today?

[Q&A #90] Are Old Test /Kingdom saints still in heart of the earth?

[Q&A #91] Matthew 27:52-53 Explained

[Q&A #92] Where do believers before Abraham fit in?

[Q&A #93] Did the Body of Christ begin with Adam

[Q&A #94] Should we use the word "Christian?"

[Q&A #95] John 3:13 Explained

Q&A #96] Must we ask Jesus to come into our heart?

[Q&A #97] Will Little Children be in the Rapture?

Q&A #98 What about “Holy Week?”

Q&A #99 What about fasting?

[Q&A #100] What does "believed in vain" mean in 1 Cor. 15:2?

[Q&A #101] Is Jesus Christ the Father?

[Q&A #102] John 18:36 explained

[Q&A #103] Days shortened (Matt. 24:22)?

[Q&A #104] Does 1st Cor. 6:2 mean we will reign on earth?

[Q&A #105] Should we anoint the sick with oil?

[Q&A #106]Unclean animals before Moses?

[Q&A #107] Is 1st Peter 3:21 about water baptism?

[Q&A #108] Is Paul talking about Jews in Eph 1:4-5?

[Q&A #109] Could more than 8 people have been saved from the flood?

[Q&A #110] Is Col. 3:25 about the Judgment Seat of Christ?

[Q&A #111] How can we identify a false convert?

[Q&A #109] Could more than 8 people have been saved from the flood?

[Q&A #110] Is Col. 3:25 about the Judgment Seat of Christ?

[Q&A #111] How can we identify a false convert?

[Q&A #112] What about ordination?

[Q&A #113] What was the "Testimony" in Ex. 16:34?

[Q&A #114] No inheritance? (1 Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:21; Eph. 5:5)

[Q&A #115] Was Paul saved under the gospel of the kingdom?

[Q&A #116] Was Ezek. 37:1-14 partially fulfilled in 1948?

[Q&A #117] Does 2nd Thess. 2 refute the Pre-Trib Rapture?

Q&A #118] Is1st Tim. 5:24 about the Judgment Seat of Christ?

[Q&A #119] Does Mark16:9-20 belong in the Bible?

[Q&A #120] What did God promise to preserve in Ps12:7?

[Q&A #121] Acts 26:22 explained

[Q&A #122) Acts 28:20 explained

[Q&A #123] Why did Paul talk about the kingdom?

[Q&A #124] Does the church have the authority of Matt. 18:18 today?

[Q&A #125] How do we walk in the Spirit?

[Q&A #127] How to refute Preterism

[Q&A #128] Should we be involved with social issues?

[Q&A #129] Who are the other sheep in John10:16?

[Q&A #130] What was the result of Stephen's prayer in Acts 7:60?

[Q&A #131] Is Enoch a picture of the rapture?

[Q&A #132] Who will eat of the tree of life?

[Q&A #133] Does Matt. 22:30 mean there won't be marriage in the Kingdom?

[Q&A #134] Acts 13:48 Explained

[Q&A #135]1st Tim. 5:12 Explained